Monday, September 16, 2013

It's (paleo) BLT time!

Oh man... I owned dinner tonight.  Seriously.  Look at this:

Yeah so I was thinking, mmmmmmmBLTs.  Yeah, that thought exactly.  And then I'm thinking, Bacon. Lettuce.  Tomato.  That don't say a thing about toast.  Forget toast.

Lettuce wraps and/or cups basically suffice for everything, and bacon is never a bad idea.  And while yogurt pretty much always works for mayonnaise, I was feeling a bit saucy.  Or condiment-y, rather.  I decided to make my own mayo.

I attempted the double boiler, food safety method, but my yolk got a little scrambled.  I decided, we eat raw eggs now and again in coffee (yes seriously) and we buy nice eggs, so whatever, let's gamble. So I put one egg yolk, a teaspoon of vinegar, a dash of salt, ground mustard, turmeric and cayenne into a bowl.  I beat it on high speed with a hand mixer while slowly, over the course of about five minutes, drizzed a half cup of olive oil into the mix.   I had no consistency issues at all and it turned out great.   It did taste a lot like olive oil (which makes it aioli technically) and it was awfully yellow from the (healthy) spices but it was totally delicious, especially when paired with tomatoes.

So I guess I'd better formally recip-ize this--I give you: 


1 head butter lettuce
1 large tomato
1 package (approx 10 strips) of bacon
Homemade mayo (egg yolk, vinegar, spices and olive oil) or plain yogurt
Salt and pepper to taste 

Cook the bacon, wash and separate your lettuce, cut your tomato, and put your mayo or yogurt into a ziplock bag and cut the tip off for fancy squeezing.

Take a lettuce leaf, arrange a slice of bacon and a couple of tomato slices inside, fancilly drizzle the mayo or yogurt over the top, and sprinkle salt and pepper on top.   Voila.

 My fiancé cut up some awesome shoestring sweet potato fries to accompany, and in retrospect I should have added avocado to the BLTs.  But simple as these were, they were DELICIOUS, and are definitely going to be a regular going forward.

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